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Monday, October 10, 2011

Funny things you'll probably never hear outside Mississippi....

Hard Work and High Stress =
"Bowed up like a cut worm on a cabbage leaf."

A husband's description of his wife's reaction to a comment he made that throughly pissed her off:
"Man she bowed up like halloween cat!"

Description of a very bad situation about to get worse:
"Hey man, we done got ourselves in a 9 line bind."

Co-Worker description of how busy he'd been while his counterpart was on leave:
"I've been busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest!"

Description I once heard describing a young man's oversized new dentures after he had all his teeth pulled at Mob Station before deployment:  "Damn son, you look like a brand new jackass!"

Description of someone who's either bad cold or bad scared:
"Man Bro, he was shaking like a dog shittin a persimmon seed!"

A friend once told me: "One Saturday afternoon one of those 'outta no where' Mississippi thunderstorms blew in and the wind was blowing so hard, it blew his daddy's prize fighting rooster inside a coke bottle someone had left in the yard.  It scared his baby brother so bad, he killed the rooster trying to get him out!"

Signs of Extreme Hot and Dry Weather:

Catching catfish with ticks on them.
Seeing a coyote chasin' a rabbit and they was both walkin'.

When a wormy dog can drag his rear end and set the grass on fire.
When 2 trees begin to fight over the same dog......

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