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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 40

Well its been 40 days since this thing started.  It's been a week since I left to go home for my pass, that went by WAY to fast.  Time to start counting down to MidTour now.  We ship out tomorrow, I dread the flying, it's a long miserbale trip!  Oh Well.  Gotta get some sleep, early day tomorrow.  Up at 330.... Long Day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 25

  Time is moving right along.  Today is day 25 of mobilization.  It's been 3 weeks since we left West Point.  In some ways it seems as though it's been much longer, but it also feels like it has flown by.  I will be headed on pass a week from tomorrow.  Can't wait! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18

  Good day today.  Time is clicking along. We all just ready to get across the water and get this thing started.  We've been "practicing" now for about 18 months.  It's about time for the kick-off.  Time to kick some ass.  Training is going well.  We're setting up for our CTE (Staff Training Exercise).  We will be given real world type scenarios based on Afghanistan, and as a staff determine the best course of action and plan the mission, and execute. 
  Had a good work out tonight.  Bench, Incline, Decline, dumb bells, flys, cable pulls.  Still a little sore from combatives yesterday.  Got to hit the Ibuprofen and get some sleep!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

M2 50 Caliber Machine Gun

   The M2 50 cal machine gun is one of the strong holds of the Army Weapons Arsenal.  It has a maximum effective range of 1800 meters.  When on fired by the cyclic method, it will fire up to 550 rounds per minute.  Although capable of this, that many rounds in that short a period will normally ruin the barrel.  The 50 cal is normally fired in 5-9 rounds bursts, with a 3-5 second pause between bursts.
   We had M2 qualification today out at McGregor Ranges.  Always a fun day.  Soldiers love firing crew serve weapons.  We had plenty of ammo, so I joined in on the fun in the video above. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pictures from the M240B Qualification Range:


M240B Machine Gun Qualificaiton Range (15 Oct 11)

Here's a video from the 240 "Bravo" qualfication today at Fort Bliss. The video is one of our soldiers, firing the 240 and the transition qualification range,  The targets pop up for 4-6 seconds from 300 meters to 1000 meters.  The firer must recieve a certain amount of "kills" to meet the standards for qualification.  The 240B is a very reliable, accurate and effective weapon.  It is also cool and fun to fire.  Facts on the M240B Machine Gun:

The M240B is a belt-fed, air-cooled, gas-operated, fully automatic machine gun that fires from the open bolt position.
WEIGHT: 26.7 lbs
Sustained Rate of Fire:  100 Rounds per minute fired in 6 to 9 round bursts and 4 to 5 seconds between bursts. Barrel change every 10 minutes.
Rapid rate of fire: 200 Rounds per minute fired in 10 to 13 round bursts and 2 to 3 seconds between bursts. Barrel change every 2 minutes.
Cyclic rate of fire for the M240B: 650 to 950 Rounds per minute fired in continuous bursts. Barrel change every minute.
Maximum range of the M240B: 3725 meters
Maximum effective range of the M240B with tripod and T&E: 1100 meters

SSG Jacob Harrison

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Leadership Rules. Be Know Do!

  In the Army, we as Leaders hear the phrase: "Be, Know, Do". These 3 words are the epitome of being a Leader in not only the United States Army, but in all phases of life. Spiritually, Morally, and Proffesionally. These three words entail a much greater responsibility, than a simple recitation and catchy phrase.

  BE - We must live and "be" the Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.  These are our "light  house" as Senior Leaders.  Be Them!

KNOW - We must "know" our duties and responsibilities as Leaders.  We can not effectively lead troops if we do not know the skill set required to accomplish our mission and lead our Soldiers.  Know your job, know you soldiers, know the skills required to effectively lead them: Interpersonal, Conceptual, Technical, and Tactical.  These skills must be honed and executed as a Leader. Know Them!

DO - We can have an abundance of knowledge and skills, but the key to effective Leadership is to "do" them.  Leadership is based on the ability to implement these values, attributes, and skills.  Junior Soldiers watch your actions. Make sure as a Leader you are doing the right thing.  As a Leader you're actions are defined by your Influence, Communication, Decision Making, Motivation,  Planning, Executing,  Assessments, ability to Improve, Develope, Build and Learn. Do, Do, Do!


Master Sergeant C