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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Leadership Rules. Be Know Do!

  In the Army, we as Leaders hear the phrase: "Be, Know, Do". These 3 words are the epitome of being a Leader in not only the United States Army, but in all phases of life. Spiritually, Morally, and Proffesionally. These three words entail a much greater responsibility, than a simple recitation and catchy phrase.

  BE - We must live and "be" the Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.  These are our "light  house" as Senior Leaders.  Be Them!

KNOW - We must "know" our duties and responsibilities as Leaders.  We can not effectively lead troops if we do not know the skill set required to accomplish our mission and lead our Soldiers.  Know your job, know you soldiers, know the skills required to effectively lead them: Interpersonal, Conceptual, Technical, and Tactical.  These skills must be honed and executed as a Leader. Know Them!

DO - We can have an abundance of knowledge and skills, but the key to effective Leadership is to "do" them.  Leadership is based on the ability to implement these values, attributes, and skills.  Junior Soldiers watch your actions. Make sure as a Leader you are doing the right thing.  As a Leader you're actions are defined by your Influence, Communication, Decision Making, Motivation,  Planning, Executing,  Assessments, ability to Improve, Develope, Build and Learn. Do, Do, Do!


Master Sergeant C

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